April 20 -May 7, 2022
Solo exhibition by Peter Harvey
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 21st, 5 pm -7:30 pm
Gallery Hours: 12 - 6pm * Masks Required
Jadite Galleries
660 10th Avenue New York City
Arts for the Interior
July 07, 2017
Group exhibition
Moulin de la Filature, Le Blanc, France
Opening Reception: July 7, 2017
Other Places: Exterior Paintings
December 04, 2016
Solo exhibition by Peter Harvey
Opening Reception: December 4, 2017, 6pm-7:30 pm
Meet the Artist Talk: January 7, 2018, 1 pm - 2:00pm
Guild Gallery II / Hudson Guild Fulton Center
119 Ninth Avenue New York City
Finding Venice
April 18, 2012
Solo exhibition by Peter Harvey
Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 18th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery 537 Broadway 2nd Flr New York City
Other Rooms: Interior Paintings
January 14, 2005
Solo exhibition by Peter Harvey
January 14th - March 10th, 2005
Opening Reception: Friday, January 14th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Guild Gallery II / Hudson Guild Fulton Center 119 Ninth Avenue New York City