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Peter Harvey's landscapes and townscapes from the shores of Rhode Island to the English Cotswolds and from southern France to the Italian Adriatic.

Moulin de Ségére 2010
Rio di Santa Caterina, Venice 2011
Rio Santa Caterina, Venice 2011
Old Post Rd Store, RI 1998
St. Maria dei Miracoli, Venice 2011
Romanesque Chapel 2012
San Trovaso, Venice 2012
Block Island Street Scene 1992
Rebecca Statue, Block Island 1992
Two Bridges, Rolnier 2009
Victorian House, RI 1993
Acrobats 1999
Wickford Tug 1991
Le Christ Sur L'Anglin 2002
Bridge and Old Town, Le Blanc 2000
Galilee Harbor, RI 1990
Centre Ville, Concremiers 1999
View of Le Blanc 2012
Place des Haute Tours, Le Blanc 2012
Wickford Harbor, RI 1992
Bridge At Concremiers 2005
Putting Out the Flags, Le Blanc 2006
Tower House, Concremiers 1999
The Breathing Tree 2003
Le Pont, Le Blanc 2011
Gossips, Concremiers 1999
Two Houses, RI 1990
Sheridan Square, NYC 1991
Village Church, Concremiers 2004
Le Soir Au Blanc 2010
San Barnaba, Venice 2011
San Stae, Venice 2011
Campo San Polo, Venice 2011
Vincino di Ponte Rialto, Venice 2011
San Vidal, Venice 2011
Night Gondola 2012
Little Bridge, Venice 2011
Madonna de L'Orto 2011
Servicio Gondole 2011
Palazzo Rava, Venice 2011
Souvenir of Venice 1984
Garden Pump, Le Blanc 2008
Haut Ville, Le Blanc 2011
The Old Ford, Le Blanc 2006
Céret, Provence
View of Concremiers 1999
Jamaican Garden 1990
Concremiers Composite 1999
San Giacomo di Rialto, Venice 2011
Two Bridges, Venice 2011
Ponte di Ca' Donna, Venice 2011
Concremiers Summer Bouquet 2010
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